Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I swear I will rip this guy's fucking lungs out

Look at him, giving me that look. This was at the National Prayer Breakfast a few days ago. Big Mr. I've Been A Senator For Fifteen Minutes And Now I'm Gonna Be President. Just makes me sick to see him lording it over everyone. Especially when I think of what I had to go through, the dues I had to pay to get where I am today. Let's be honest. Obama is a nice enough kid, but he doesn't stand a chance. I liked him well enough as long as he was willing to play along like that. But now? Now I want to fuck him up just for drills. You should see the dossier we have on this guy. And our little operators at the Times are just waiting to pull the trigger. Now I don't want to ruin the surprise. But let's just say that Little Mrs. Obama ain't gonna be smiling when the news hits. Here's a hint: Someone's got a taste for vanilla.


Anonymous said...

And from the picture, I think he sees a big double scoop!

Anonymous said...

I thought he was just trying to let you see his nose hair.

Anonymous said...

He is looking for the 666 on her head